Platinum blonde highlights


 Hello this is OneWORLD international hair salon.


how are you?


In Tokyo it hasn’t rained for almost 20 days!


Today we’d like to introduce blonde highlights!


She has much darker natural color but we lightened up by foil highlights.


Having blonde highlights with foils has some benefits.


For example when your hair growth you don’t have to touch up your roots as many times as a single color,because a few of your natural color remains in the hair color by foils highlights. 


 After foil highlights we put toner to make the blonde platinum.


You can request what types of blonde you would like to have!


We recommend using purple/blue shampoo to maintain the beautiful platinum blonde.


We still have some spots available this week, so please contact us for your appointment!


 Thank you 


Oneworld Ryohei 


AF4D8FAF-E5C9-4080-8675-FE9851B5AF97 8C8DFCFB-556E-4CC1-8BC9-D7AF6DDFDADA





Mさま ステキなチョコレートありがとうございます🍫



平日 Weekday 10:00~20:00
最終受付 Last Appointment>>Cut 19:00, Color/Perm 18:00)

土日祝日 Saturday,Sunday,National Holidays  9:00 ~19:00
最終受付 Last appointment>>Cut 18:00,Color/Perm 17:00)


International Hair Salon
English Speaking


港区麻布十番2-8-3  DKNS麻布€€4F
Tel 03-6459-4354


OneWORLD Instagram







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